Comedian and actor, Richard Belzer, has passed away at the age of 78

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Sadly, Richard passed away at his home in the south of France on the 19th of February, 2023.

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The recent passing of legendary actor and comedian Richard Belzer at the age of 78 was met with an immense outpouring of grief and appreciation for his contributions to the entertainment industry.

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People who had the pleasure of collaborating with him throughout his career paid tribute to his immense talent and lasting impact on their work.

Image Credit : wsj

The comedian and actor, who was renowned for their performances as Detective John Munch across multiple Law & Order, 30 Rock andSesame Street.

Image Credit : hollywood Reporter

In the 1970s, Richard started his journey in New York as a stand-up comedian, and was lucky enough to perform along with great names such as Gilda Radner, Bill Murray, and John Belushi on The National Lampoon Show.

Image Credit : new york times

Richard Gere hospitalized at age of 73