Kenya Holiday Packages from India: How to Plan the Perfect Trip

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Meta: Helpful advice on how to organize a fantastic Kenya safari from India. Kenya holiday packages from India and what they entail. How to plan a great trip to Kenya from India and reap maximum returns on your vacation

The Most Fabulous Kenya Holiday Packages from India

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  • Kenya Holiday Packages from India

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  • Kenya Holiday Packages from India  
  • Kenya holiday packages
  • Kenya Safari holiday
  • Kenya safari

Kenya is a melting pot of beauty. The country has everything from beaches to wild savannahs and majestic mountains to old heritage sites. 

Kenya holiday packages from India introduce you to some of the best scenery in Africa. Among the main attractions you can look forward to is the incredible Masai Mara game reserve, which offers iconic wildlife safaris and cultural encounters with indigenous Masai tribespeople. The reserve also has the unique distinction of hosting the annual wildebeest migration, the largest overland animal migration on the planet.


Towards the southeastern part of the country lies Amboseli National Park, and its great numbers of African elephants, not to mention stunning views of the tallest free-standing mountain peak in the world- Mount Kilimanjaro. Further afield is the Samburu National Park, which served as the setting for the film Born Free. It also boasts an abundant population of the Big Five animals.

The region is also teeming with zebras, giraffes, and other fascinating creatures. 

Bird lovers could spend days exploring the birdlife paradise that is the Meru National park, which is located in central Kenya. Then there’s Malindi Marine National Park & Reserve, with its lagoons, reefs, and coral gardens beckoning you to go on aquatic excursions in search of turtles and dolphins.

With so much to see, where does one begin when planning their dream Kenya safari holiday? 

Get a Travel Agent

The most crucial step in planning your Kenya vacation is getting yourself a professional travel agent. 

Kenya is replete with world-class tours and travel agencies. One such company is which offers affordable Kenya holiday packages, with gold-certified guides who know the country like the backs of their hands.

The advantages of having an expert safari company in your corner can never be overstated. If this is your first visit or you just want a hassle-free experience, opting for a guided tour is best. Under such an arrangement, the travel agent offers all-inclusive Kenya holiday packages that cover most of your logistical needs.

Self-guided safaris, on the other hand, are best suited for experienced travelers who may be familiar with the region. These require you to manage all the time-consuming procedures of hiring your safari transportation, self-drives, making direct reservations for your accommodations, and creating a detailed itinerary from scratch. It is a taxing exercise for novice safari goers, so hiring a travel agent is highly recommended.

Professional Kenya safari tour operators have dedicated websites listing the services they provide and are duly registered with the government.

Formulating an Itinerary 

When deciding which attractions to visit during your Kenya safari holiday, it is vital to remember that the country has two distinct seasons—the dry and wet seasons. However, the main distinction between the two is mainly determined by rainfall rather than temperature changes. 

Nonetheless, the actual climate in Kenya is more complex than that, depending on factors like altitude or height above sea level. December–January and July–August are the busiest travel seasons because they are usually the driest and most excellent for seeing animals. 

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However, other times of the year also have advantages: rainy weather results in rich flora, lower costs, and fewer safari parties congesting the national parks’ highways.

When devising your itinerary, please consider your preferences and interests and those of your travel companions. Among the attractions you may choose from include wildlife safaris within the dozens of game reserves, parks, and conservancies spread across the country.

Another option is to include a beach excursion in your Kenya holiday package, where you can enjoy numerous water sports and activities. These include kitesurfing, snorkeling, deep sea fishing, scuba diving, swimming, dolphin and turtle watching, and romantic dhow rides at sundown. 

Your travel agent will also come in handy in advising you on which activities pair best and at what travel season. They will also enlighten you about the country’s hidden gems you might have missed out on during your research. 

Also, depending on the Kenya holiday package you pick, the agent may offer you an opportunity to have a customized safari itinerary that only consists of the destinations you wish to visit. 

Health requirements

All visitors to Kenya must adhere to specific health criteria. These include having a certificate for a negative Covid-19 test result or a certificate for Covid-19 vaccination. If you intend to rely on the negative Covid-19 test result certificate, please note that you must have undergone the test within 72 hours before your departure for Kenya.

Following that, you must transmit your certificate of negative Covid-19 findings to the Kenyan Ministry of Health website.

Please take note that this required testing is not required for children under the age of five.

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You will also need to produce a Yellow Fever vaccination certificate at the port of entry into the country. Your doctor may be able to provide you with a yellow fever vaccine. 

Should you arrive in the country without these requisite documents, you shall be subjected to mandatory Covid-19 testing at your cost. Therefore, visitors must follow these rules lest they be forced to pay the high testing costs and required quarantine (if they produce positive findings).

Before traveling, you should also think about having meningitis and hepatitis A and B shots. These vaccinations are not required but are nevertheless advised. Lastly, vacationers on any kind of holiday are advised to take out medical insurance coverage before travel. Although it is not a mandatory requirement, it allows you to have peace of mind knowing that any medical attention will be taken care of should the need arise.